Have more energy, creativity, and joy in your life through healing!
Put an end to continually looking outside your self for the answers. It is all inside!
Healing Through The Chakras
Want to show up in the world
feeling fully supported,
With more freedom to be your self
than ever before?
The problem is:
In our society we have been taught to hold in our emotions.
We have not been taught how to manage and use them effectively.
These repressed emotions like joy, curiosity, shame, guilt, and grief creates stagnancy within our body and prevent us from fully enjoying life.
This depletes our energy and has us acting from as space that is not our authentic self.
This course will:
Help you to learn to balance and increase your energy
Help you to unlock your creative potential
Have you experiencing more joy and passion
Develop a healthy loving connection with your body
Create more peace in your life
Support you with healing and balancing your emotions
Reconnect you with your authentic self
When you dive deeper into yourself, you will find your gems!
You are made of shining light, pure love!
This $24 course offers over:
20 PDF's and word documents
15 Audio Recordings
9 Videos
10 Written exercises
Email support
What is a chakra and why its relevant
I am sure you know by now that everything is energy and because of that I use the chakras as a guide to know where the energy is stagnant.
The Sanskrit word Chakra literally translates to wheel or disk. In yoga, meditation, and Ayurveda, this term refers to wheels of energy throughout the body. There are seven main chakras, which align the spine, starting from the base of the spine through to the crown of the head. To visualize a chakra in the body, imagine a swirling wheel of energy where matter and consciousness meet. This invisible energy, called Prana, is vital life force, which keeps us vibrant, healthy, and alive.
The Importance of the Main Chakras in the Body
These swirling wheels of energy correspond to massive nerve centers in the body. Each of the seven main chakras contains bundles of nerves and major organs as well as our psychological, emotional, and spiritual states of being. Since everything is moving, it’s essential that our seven main chakras stay open, aligned, and fluid. If there is a blockage, energy cannot flow. Repressed emotions, limiting beliefs, negative core beliefs, trauma, and negative thoughts all create blockages in the energy.
The good news is you don't need to have previous knowledge of chakras to get massive benefit from this healing course.
This online course covers:
A 5 step healing and balancing process for each chakra
An over all understanding of each of the 7 main chakras
An over view of body language and feelings
A focus specific to each chakra - tapping into your inner healer
A physical exercise that opens up each chakra
Meditation for healing and balancing each chakra
You do not need to know anything about chakras for this to help you!
Laurie, Akashic Records
"I have had the pleasure of working with Marie on several occasions. The way she uses the chakra system and having me tap into my body is the quickest most direct healing modality I have ever experienced! This is truly her gift."
Debbie Schremph
"What a gift!! Thank you! Thank you! Renewed, regenerated & lite. You have given me, me back. I shall always be so very grateful!"
Lynea Ames
"Your guiding of meditations has been very powerful. I'm thankful for the contribution of your skills"
For, balance, peace, happiness and more energy.
Register below!
I would love for you to experience more joy and passion in your life!
Hi, I'm Marie
Creator of Healing Though the Chakras
In 2006 I started my spiritual journey. I was struggling then with my 11 year old and I was given the contact to a spiritual healer who helped in shifting the relationship! I learned more as my youngest was speaking about auras, chakras and colours, that at the time, I had no idea about. In 2013 I graduating from a Spiritual Psychotherapy program and I practiced as a Spiritual Psychotherapist for a few years. During my training I really got how important my energy was to how I was living my life. I am trained in over 15 modalities including NLP, Timeline Therapy, Causal Realignment, Reiki, & experiential psychotherapy. I am currently a Leadership-repatterning Coach focusing on healing, leadership, communication and interpersonal relationships.
There was a point in 2015 for a few weeks that I had pain in my chest, my heart area. On the final day of experiencing this I realized I was not allowing myself much joy. Doing thing for others without filling up my own cup. That day I had been rushing around with no time for myself.
I had not taken the time to connect the physical, with the mental and spiritual aspects. Ironically I coach others to go into their body for their Inner wisdom or soul guidance.
On this particular day I got swept up in the fear, instead of going within.
I realized that I had to go within to find my answers.
My heart was in pain because I was not releasing the sorrow and embracing joy.
I created myself a heart chakra healing and and audio to access the wisdom from within to release blocks to allow myself to experience more joy. I was able to release the pain. The answer is within! I thought I would design a healing course for everyone to discover and heal, so we all have the tools.
To have more joy and passion in your life sign up for the Healing Through the Chakras online course. You can go at your own pace and work through the steps in your own timing.
I am passionate about Healing. I believe it is essential to incorporate all levels of healing, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. For a balanced, holistic approach. This course is designed to incorporate all levels.
Inside this course
Each Chakra Module has:
- Tools & modalities to support the chakras
- An understanding of the chakra and its function
- What body parts are associated with it
- Indications of the unbalanced chakra
Module 2: Sacral Chakra
Embrace your joy
Heal the parts of you that feel the need to hold back
Connect with your inner child to create more joy in your life.
Module 1: Root Chakra
Learn how to ground yourself
Gain inner wisdom and discover the root cause of your fear
Heal the fearful inner child within
Module 3: Solar Plexus Chakra
Exercise to reclaim power that was taken or given
Experience increased energy
Reclaim those parts of you that you thought were gone forever
Module 4: Heart Chakra
Release Judgements
Release and heal grief
Balance the masculine and feminine
Module 6: Third Eye Chakra
Learn what you truly desire
Discover your soul vision
Trusting your intuition
Module 5: Throat Chakra
Discover your unique sound
Experience why you avoid speaking your truth
Clear and heal the throat chakra
Module 7: Crown Chakra
How to become an observer of your feelings and use them as a guide
Experience staying in the possibility energy
Exercise to move out stuck energy
20 PDF's and word documents...........(Value $149)
15 Audio Recordings............................(Value $149)
9 Videos.................................................(Value $129)
10 Written exercises.............................(Value $99)
Email support
Total Value $526
Todays Price: $24